Miguel Tierz
Research in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
Research lines: Random matrix theory and its applications, Quantum field theory (with an emphasis on topological or supersymmetric gauge theories), Exactly solvable models in statistical mechanics and strongly-correlated systems.
See my publications at ArXiv or at my Google scholar page. Below are some sample recent publications and a few talks available on-line (by me or by my co-author Leonardo Santilli).
If you are interested in doing a doctoral thesis and in obtaining a doctoral scholarship, please do not hesitate to write to me at mtierz at ucm.es

Hawking-Page transition on a spin chain
David Pérez-García, Leonardo Santilli, and Miguel Tierz

Landau-Zener transition rates of superconducting qubits and absorption spectrum in quantum dots
Jorge Russo and Miguel Tierz
Phys. Rev. A 109, 033702 (2024)

Dynamical Quantum phase transitions from random MATRIX theory
David Pérez-García, Leonardo Santilli and Miguel Tierz

Crystal bases and three-dimensional
N=4 Coulomb branches
Leonardo Santilli and Miguel Tierz
Some Talks
Large N phase transition and TT deformation of 2d Yang-Mills theory, Lisboa conference summer 2019.
Video of talk (given by Leonardo Santilli)
New deformations of 2d Yang-Mills theories
Integrability in gauge and string theory 2021- Torino.
Talk by L. Santilli
Phase transitions, random matrices, and TT-deformation,
talk at the Workshop on Black Holes: BPS, BMS and Integrability
Instituto Superior Técnico (LIsboa), 7-11 September 2020.
talk at the Workshop on Black Holes: BPS, BMS and Integrability
Instituto Superior Técnico (LIsboa), 7-11 September 2020.